1. Kuldhara Village, Rajasthan

Kuldhara is now a deserted village located in Rajasthan; it is said to have been abandoned all of a sudden. After a lot of research, one tradition has it that Salim Singh, who was ruler of the place at that time, wanted to commit rape on a girl from the village and threaten the people of the village into submitting to the act. Thus, people ran away and left the village at night to save their lives and the girl’s. It is believed that while leaving the place the above residents casted a curse on the village.

As it is, there is this belief that the curse was so powerful that no one has been able to occupy the place to this present day. Over time, the village got a bad reputation of being that of a haunted place that was visited by tourist from all over the country. Kuldhara still receives a lot of visitors especially those interested in the supernatural. Para-skeptic and investigator Gaurav Tiwari said that he personally saw moving shadows, sounds of voices in the void, talking spirits and other similar activities. Today, the remains located here shed a rather mysterious story of a village that used to be densely populated. The village is located, in fact, 578kms away from Jaipur.
2. Malcha Mahal, Delhi
This palace was once occupied by a family, which was claiming to be the successor of Nawabs residing in the area. Now bats and pigeons dominate the place. The place was earlier occupied by Prince Ali Raza and his mother Wilayat, and sister Sakina Mahal. They are the ones who claimed to be successors of the last Nawab of Awadh.

Thus, Malcha Mahal is effectively the home of the last resident of the ancient city of Delhi – Prince Ali Raza. After that the prince died there was one left to cook or clean or do anything for the palace The death of the prince which possess the superior rights over the palace as his property lead to the weakness of the palace so much so that there was nobody who could be responsible for cooking or cleaning etc.
They say that he even today does not leave the place where his soul is buried. A working published in the New York Times devoted to the exposures stated that the family had no connection with the Nawabs. Today people can visit the palace during the touristic or ghost hunting trips which are preferred by many fans. It is 17km away from Delhi City Centre.
3. Tunnel No. 33, Shimla
Tunnel No. 33 stood in the green background of the hills of Shimla, the mysteriously looking tunnel looked more like a passage to hell and back. Built in the British era of India, it was believed that an engineering British man, who was working on the railway construction got killed and the tunnel is said to be a haunt of his ghost.

Today, people tell all sorts of gruesome stories about the peculiar sights and sounds that they heard in the tunnel, some claim to have heard some footsteps, some whispers, to even see the shape of a man standing on the train rails; people have given the Tunnel No. 33 a new nickname of the ghost tunnel and a lot of enthusiasts of paranormal activities and horrors tour this place.

Realizing the need for a tunnel Barog was entrusted with the responsibility of constructing the tunnel. But, he committed some errors because of that the alignments of the tunnel would not coincide. Tunnel ends—couldn’t meet in the middle and Barog lost his job for the same. Owing to depression and humiliation, Barog hanged himself to death. Originally, it is 300 km away from Delhi.
4. Raj Kiran Hotel, Lonavala
Nostalgic and deserted, Raj Kiran Hotel posses an essence of yesteryear glory standing on the outskirts of Lonavala on the top of the hills which gets smoggy during the morning. What used to be a splendid resort for the high-class elite of the society is now an abandoned hotel whose walls are gradually falling apart to depict the spooky theme that is associated with the hotel.

While the rusty dilapidated structure witnesses visitors willing to venture into its deserted corridors, they come face to face with, spectral entities, ghostly voices and cold breezes within the premises and therefore, now, Raj Kiran Hotel stands as the beautiful haunted structure of Lonavala.
5. Dow Hill, Kurseong

Until this present generation people hold the belief that the town has been cursed several years ago. Victoria Boy’s School is also a center of many scandals says to be cursed like the rest of the schools. Some individuals have shared mystery bumps every time the school is closed for the academic year’s holidays around December.

People living here have, especially stated that they have frequently come across a headless specter of a young boy in the forests around ‘Death Road’. Some people have reported of being followed and watched by someone even if they did not see the person physically. Residents also speak of the specter of a woman in grey. It is 30 km from Darjeeling, 51 km from Siliguri.
6. Ross Island
Once was a time when British threw their architectural beauty and one would be amazed to find out that ornate bungalows, a colossal church, ballroom, even a graveyard are today shadowed by long branches of trees on this island.

Earlier a British administrative headquarters the island was soon transformed into a colonial delight – from mansions to tennis courts it had everything! Papakong island was eventually abandoned after a huge earthquake struck the island in 1940.
Where once the island today lies, it has been again rightfully restored to the possession of nature. It is the aspect of being a real ghost town that makes the tourists come and hence the place is considered one of the most haunted in India. The policy describes that from the 19th-century British settlement, an “unyielding forest” has retaken the area.
7. Bhuli Bhatiyari ka Mahal
Go inside the entrance of this supposedly old and ruined hunting lodge and you will learn what scary is all about. One of the renowned haunted places in Delhi, it is in a sorry state as of now: the creepers that badger most of these might even make it look interesting somewhat, but this 14 th century structure does not attract many and looks spooky even and especially during the daylight.

It is believed that Bhuli Bhatiyari ka Mahal is a haunted place and people who have claimeed that they have been to this place have admitted having heard cries especially of men. Hence, it is manned by policemen to prevent people from gaining access into the complex after dark.
8. Agrasen ki Baoli: The haunted fort that calls you
Agrasen ki Baoli is well-designed architecture; a step well located at the heart of New Delhi having one hundred and three steps. It is wonderful to see a stepwell of this proportion with such a brilliant architecture and even more wonderful are the many stories that have intrigued many people. Some folklores have it that through this well, the black water pulls down anyone who falls into it to the watery graves.

According to the stories, the temptation grows with the descent and in the end there is only the sound of one’s own steps behind. This one occupies one of the top positions in the wishlist of people who like some rush. This one can without doubt be said to be one of the haunted places in India.
9. Hotel Fern Hill, Ooty
Hotel Fern Hill is a heritage property in Ooty constructed in the year 1844 and it has the old British architecture. However, there is something else by virtue of which this hotel became so popular. This hotel had its moments of paranormal activities reveled when the team was shooting the Bollywood horror movie Raaz.

This hotel was occupied by choreographer Saroj Khan and her team; one night, they were waken up by the sounds of furniture being moved around back to position on the floor above them. She promptly called up the reception but got a signal that the line was busy and nobody was available to answer the call. What everyone the next morning did not expect from the receptionist was the horrifying truth; there was no first floor in the entire hotel. The hotel was even closed for a while because of the books about mysterious events occurring in this place.
10. Morgan House Tourist Lodge, Kalimpong
The architectural natures of the establishments are also marvelous which make it a travellers’ attractions present in a hill station that is; the Morgan House Tourist Lodge in Kalimpong is located in a very beautiful old British house.

The said hotel was established in 1930s and this originally owned by an Englishman by the name of George Morgan and his immediate family. It is said that the family used to reside here until the premature death of the wife of Morgan, Lady Morgan, whose spirit is believed to be still lingering here as according to the folk. If the rumours are in any way true, the spirit of the lady does roam the corridors of this eating place. Many of the visitors have even heard the shuffle of someone walking through the wooden floors of the hotel in stiletto heels.
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