What is the Triple E virus?

EEEV is stand for “ EASTERN EQUINE
ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS” . This virus was first discovered in 1938, which is a rare virus. A total of 118 people have been infected since the was discovered, in which a total of 64 people have died so far . This virus directly affects the central nervous system of humans, causing swelling in the brain , which causes severe pain.
The virus was found first ?

This virus was first found in North America and the Caribbean region.
In America , it was first found among people living on the coast. According to an associate researcher of Yale University school of public health, scientist “ Verity Hill” said that although it was first found in Birds , it has now reached in Humans.
This virus is usually found in black tailed mosquitoes , which is mostly found in America, Mexico and Caribbean.
This year in America one person died due to this rare virus spread by mosquitoes . The incident took place in
“ New Hampshire” city of America.
Last year there was not a single case in America. This year 5 cases have been reported. The rarer this virus is , the more dangerous it is.
The US administration has issued a High alert regarding this virus in many areas including New Hampshire of America.
Let us know more about this virus:
How Do These Viruses Spread?

Generally, this virus is found in various types of bird’s living in the mud found in the forest or a migration. There are some species of mosquitoes which are spreading the infection of this virus to humans as well as other mammals. This
Mosquitoes bite infected birds and suck the blood and pass it on to human’s.
According to research found that humans and horses are the dead end host for this
Virus means after that it is unreachable.
In simple terms, if mosquitoes bite again that person, he can’t get that virus back from the person.

EEEV virus symptoms: Headache , fever, feeling vomiting, fatigue, sciatic attack, diarrhea, change in behavior , sleep disturbances, worsening of concentration
In severe cases the brain swells up , which is known as “ENCEPHALITIS” .Its sign can be seen and it can be detected even though it is still being detected by the testes of bone marrow and blood which are found in the backbone. You can clearly see if antibodies were formed it means you were infected.
How dangerous is this virus?
This virus is rarely found in humans . From 2003 to 2023 a total 196 cases were found in America. It means every year 11 cases was reported, In which the most dangerous contagion this virus spread in 2019. There were 38 cases reported in which 12 people died.

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