Top 10 toughest exam in the world:Test is a very important part of the learning process. It is very important for our knowledge so far and for our further studies. There are some exams which are very tough and only a bright student can crack them. From taking admission in any institution till completing further studies, we have to face tests.
In today’s time, competition has increased so much that nothing is available without testing.
Similarly, competition in education has also increased so much that now children have to face tests at every stage.
Through this article, we will give you information about some of the most difficult exams all over the world and information about them. And some such factors of their that make them a tough exam.
Top 10 toughest exam in the world
1.Mensa IQ Test ( 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
Mensa test is a test whose aim is to detect very high intelligence people.
The minimum passing score of this test is thirty five and that is why it is considered the most toughest in the world. Exam Measures one Abstract and Logical Thinking on Verbal as well as Numerical and Spatial Orientation.
2.UPSC civil service examination (India 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
Civil Service in India is known as Union Public Service Commission or UPSC Exam, it is known for its tough selection process. Some exams cover things like History, Geography and Current Affairs, which are sometimes difficult for the candidates. It was found in a data that out of all the candidates, only 1% candidates get selected. First of all the written form of this exam is conducted and after that if the candidate is qualified then his interview round is conducted. If he is also qualified then after that he gets the service.
3. California bar exam (USA 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
The California Bar Exam is a state bar test that a person can take if they want to practice law in California. Everyone is familiar with this exam, especially that it is toughest due to which only 50% candidates are selected. This exam mostly focuses on legal provisions knowledge and how the candidate is dealing with them in the process.
4.Gaokao( China 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
Gaokao is a college entrance examination in China . Which is based on your examination result, it shows whether the child can take further education or not in the college of his choice. It is also called high stakes examination. It is believed that if the children qualify, this exam will take their career to great heights and shape it. Chinese, Mathematics and Some Foreign Languages are tested in this exam.
This exam is also considered the most difficult exam in the world.
5.NEET (ndia 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
NEET stand for National eligibility cum entrance test which is used by the student who want to pursue their career in medical or in dental field. Exam is extremely talent intensive exam. NEET exam is multiple choice based in which the focus is on children’s knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Which is considered one of the toughest exams in the world.
6.LSAT (USA 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
The Law School Admission Test (LSAT)is considered a standardized test for those candidates who want to pursue their career in the field of law. This test is an important procedure for the candidates who want to take admission in law colleges. Which is also famous for logic games and reading part.
7. GMAT (Global 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
The Gratitude Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized test that measures Verbal, Analytical Writing,
Quantitative and Reasoning skills. The exam is for those children who want to pursue their career in business. GMAT exam is mostly used by business school students who want to focus on their business skills and want to pursue their career there. The exam is known for its challenging questions and time management.
8. MCAT(USA 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
The medical College admission test is the standardise test it is based on critical analysis and reasoning skill and also based on knowledge of natural, behavioral and social science. MCAT exam is a very important part of it to get admission in medical schools and colleges in USA. The exam is known for covering a wide range of subject syllabus.
9.GATE (India 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
The graduate aptitude test in engineering
(GATE) . It is an exam that tests comprehensive understanding of science and engineering. GATE exam is used for taking admission in post graduated programs and jobs in public sector undertaking. This exam is also known for its very tough and high thinking of questions.
10. CFA (Global 1 of Top 10 toughest exam)
CFA exam is a three set exam in which
The candidate is tested whether he is capable or not to know and have knowledge about investment,portfolio management and analysis. The knowledge of the candidate is checked from every aspect through this exam to see whether he is capable of pursuing his career in the finance sector or not. The passing percentage of this exam is at least 40% .
The above given exams are some which are considered to be the toughest exams in the world. These exam reveals the candidate’s knowledge, attentiveness as well as time management.
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