Taking too much stress, sitting for too long and working for too long is rapidly negatively impacting fertility. Many things are being done like taking too much stress, doing more and more sitting, not paying attention to physical health, eating too much oily food is reducing the fertility of men as well as women.
The Impact of Stress on Fertility:

Along with women, men will also have to pay attention to this problem, otherwise it can cause a deep problem for them. You have to improve your fertility by reducing stress load, eating healthy food, maintaining a proper schedule and also doing exercise and yoga for at least half an hour every day so that you can maintain your sitting habit. And to increase the flow of blood in your body.
To give priority to work, you delay your marriage and family planning also for both men’s and women .Most people keep postponing marriage and family planning so that they can further improve their career.
Giving priority to professional life is not a wrong thing, now it is an important part of our life but we should also keep in mind that our professional life should not overpower our health. If this happens then the fertility of both men and women is greatly affected.
In today’s time, the competition in the professional field has become so much that in the pursuit of keeping yourself at the forefront, people do not prioritize their health at all, which affects their health in a very bad way.
If stress is not managed properly then it affects our sleeping routine and eating habits. Due to which people start using other intoxicants like alcohol to get relief.
Which affects fertility badly.
The more the stress level in our body increases, the more our hormones will become imbalanced. Can disrupt ovulation cycle and delay pregnancy which is a matter of concern.
Having an irregular work schedule, not paying attention to physical health and not keeping the diet healthy are some of the factors which reduce the fertility of women and also delay their conceiving.
Sometimes consuming intoxicants affects our fertility also.
Sometimes we keep postponing our marriage for the sake of our career. As the age increases, the quantity and quality of eggs is decreasing due to which we have to use artificial method of conceiving for children in future. When a woman is not able to conceive a child in a natural way, she is made to conceive artificially instead, such a process is called IVF. IVF is a very expensive process which can only be done by expert doctors.
Taking too much stress, sitting too long, doing less exercise, living a heavy life, using too much drugs, alcohol , caffeine is affecting the fertility not only of women but also of men. Taking too much stress reduces sperm quality as well as quantity and imbalances testosterone in the mens body.
Irregular sleep pattern, Taking too much stress can lead to hormonal imbalance in the body and this will happen every day if you do not pay attention to it.
A Sedentary Lifestyle can be the cause of obesity which can lead to problems like low sperm count and infertility.
According to doctors, there are almost 20 to 30% cases of low sperm count. Which is somewhere due to high cholesterol, high hypertension, diabetes and stressful life. These health issues do not occur due to any other reason but due to our improper and unhealthy lifestyle.
However, you can avoid all these things if you start leading a healthy lifestyle like reducing your stress, changing your sleeping habits on a regular basis, including healthy foods in your diet along with doing yoga also.
If you do all these things regularly then your sperm quantity and quality will improve and you can also get rid of your infertility and low sperm count problem.
However, doctors believe that if you regularly meditate for half to one hour a day along with yoga and exercise, your reproductive health will improve significantly.
This is a very big myth in our society that if a couple is unable to have a child, then it is just the woman’s infertility. This is a very big myth. Both men and women should do family planning from time to time and if they are facing fertility problems then they should consult a good doctor and do their family planning.
If couples are unable to conceive naturally then they can do IVF with the advice of an expert doctor . Couples can also use egg freezing or surrogacy.
Stay stress free as much as possible, spend time with family, spend time with your partner, make a good and healthy life change and you will not have to use any IVF technique.
It is very important for women and men to do yoga, exercise and meditation for at least 30 minutes a day and not in excess, along with a healthy diet.
The more stress free you are today, the more you will follow a healthy diet, the longer you will do yoga and exercise, the better you will be in the future, you will not face problems in conceiving.
Also Read:https://thenewzzy.com/8-easy-ways-to-preserve-your-gut-health/