Planetary Parade 2025: Space enthusiasts will find tonight special as all six planets including Venus and Mars with Jupiter Saturn and Uranus and Neptune create a breathtaking stellar sight in the evening sky. These six planets will create an alignment which astronomers call the “planetary parade”.
When is the next planetary alignment ?
A rare astronomical sight has allowed skywatchers to observe it since January 18 causing the planets to stay aligned until February starts. The six planets will meet together on the same sun side tonight as they create a broad arc which can be observed with the naked eye through clear sky conditions.
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NASA labels planet alignments involving four or more planets as major events that emerge only rarely during a year. Tonight’s planetary display stands out due to the rare sight of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus among the visible bright planets when planetary alignments are this rare.
Planetary Parade/ Planetary Alignment: What is it?
The planets throughout our solar system move through the sun’s domain along the horizon along the specific angle we call the ecliptic. Due to planetary orbital patterns all solar objects positioned at night in our sky will be found within a straight line configuration. Planetary alignments emerge frequently even though astronomers call them by this name.

Tonight’s planetary view is considered relatively normal by astronomers who dismiss it as an “rare alignment” although it happens repeatedly in our night sky. Stargazers might find six planets visible during this observation period while four planets are accessible to direct visibility. This astronomical phenomenon does not have an official name yet but space agencies call it a “planet parade.”
Planetary Parade 2025: View the cosmic alignment with proper observation techniques.
People should observe the event when it reaches its peak near 45 minutes past sunset. Planetary telescopic observation of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus along with Neptune requires a telescope to become visible shortly after sunset.
After sunset Venus and Saturn should become visible in the southwest area according to NASA’s report. Spectators will see Jupiter illuminating the overhead sky along with Mars preparing to rise to the east.
The observational window reaches three hours duration since Venus and Saturn fade from view below the horizon. In the upcoming night sky Venus will showcase both maximum brightness and most prominent appearance.
The planet Mars will present a bright red-colored lightbulb appearance. The western sky shows Saturn as an extremely small dot at the same time Jupiter shows itself as a similar speck in the southern direction. Both Uranus and Neptune appear faint enough to become recognizable pre-dawn dots although their distance from other planets presents obstacles to proper sight observation.
parade of planets 2025 dates in india
Observation of this planetary arrangement will extend across India. This uncommon astronomical spectacle will be observable from many urban regions worldwide. These celestial bodies Venus and Mars alongside Jupiter and Saturn can be spotted without sophisticated instruments. Sealed observation instruments can help detect Neptune and Uranus but their faint nature requires the use of telescopes for viewing.

Visitors can take advantage of detailed arrangements at Bhubaneswar’s Pathani Samant Planetarium according to a PTI report. The unique planetary observation period will run from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm daily during the week except for Monday for all visitors to experience it.
The Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Centre (TNSTC) operates a special nighttime sky observation program at Kotturpuram-based Periyar Science and Technology Centre from January 22 through 25.
To enable public observation the Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST) at the Department of Science and Technology has conducted a series of special observation events.
Planetary Parade: A perfect location to view this heavenly occurrence in India
Pick a location which provides open minimal blocked western horizon visibility. To decrease views of unnecessary illumination people should choose observation spots where city lights do not interfere.
The human eye alone suffices to view Venus along with Mars but you need binoculars or a telescope to clearly see Saturn and Jupiter and especially Neptune and Uranus in the night sky. The best observation of cosmic events requires unclouded nighttime skies.
Piyush Arun from YanamOffbeat is organizing an event in Pune and Mumbai to watch the cosmic spectacle. He says, “We have one batch each on January 25 and 26 at the peak time, 8:30 pm. Our event features more than simple cosmic observation.
The viewing session provides participants an interactive experience to observe stars and planets and various celestial objects during real time. He describes “Deep-space telescopes operate from specific locations that possess no light pollution during these observation sessions.”
Lessons at the event include meditation followed by astrophysicist question time and lakeside campground lodging.
The apps Star Walk, Star Tracker and Sky Map serve as Planet Parade monitoring tools.
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