In today’s times, the problem of increasing cholesterol has become common. The biggest reason for this could be our bad lifestyle. packed and fried food has become an important part of our daily diet.
The result of this is that today every second person is suffering from high cholesterol.
Actually, there are two types of cholesterol in the body, good cholesterol HDL and bad cholesterol LDL.
It has a direct impact on our heart.
The risk of heart attack also increases.
However, we can include some things in our diet that can help in reducing high cholesterol. For this, it is necessary to consume a diet rich in nutrients. Will we tell you some things by adopting which you will be able to reduce your cholesterol?
Good amount of Vitamin C, Minerals and Amino Acids are found in gooseberry.
According to a research, gooseberry helps in reducing bad cholesterol of body.
2.Green tea
Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Green tea helps in reducing bad cholesterol as well as increases good cholesterol.Green Tea Also Prevents Heart Diseases and Strokes. It also helps in strengthen bones, helps lower blood sugar, protects the prostate. Also help in reducing anxiety and stress level.
3. Lemon
Lemon is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Which removes toxins from the body and also reduces inflammation in the body.According to a research, hespirdin is found in citrus fruits which helps in removing bad cholesterol from the body. Lemon also help in a reducing weight loss.
4. Spinach
Spinach is rich in essential nutrients.
According to experts, carotenoids are found in spinach. which helps in reducing cholesterol. Spinach is very beneficial for our overall health . Spinach is rich in iron which help to treat anaemia. It also promote a good gut health . It also contain a Newton antioxidant which helps to protect our eye.
Walnuts help in losing weight and reducing cholesterol. According to a research, walnuts contain polyunsaturated fat which also keeps away from heart diseases. It contains some microbes which promote a good gut health.
6. Yoga and exercise
Yoga exercises should be an essential part of our life. Doing yoga exercises regularly keeps us away from many diseases and makes us feel energetic throughout the day.
Nowadays, our lifestyle and eating habits are becoming so bad that yoga and exercise have great importance in our lives.Those people who do not do yoga exercise regularly should be careful and give a good place to yoga exercise in their lifestyle.Exercise helps you keep your weight under control.
It has also been believed in many researches that the more exercise we do, the faster the blood flow in our body will be and we will stay away from many diseases. Doctors also believe that we should do yoga and exercise regularly.
7. Good lifestyle
Today’s lifestyle is becoming so bad that people are suffering from many diseases even without wanting to. Most of the people spend their whole time sitting on the chair due to which there is no physical activity and many types of diseases are happening to them.
you spend more and more time sitting, but still you try to take out time and do some physical activity like walking, jogging, running or exercise yoga.
8. Avoid junk food and packed food
The major reason for increase in cholesterol is the excessive use of junk food and packed food by today’s people.
Many types of poisonous gases are used in packed food to preserve it, which is very harmful for our health.
At the same time, junk food is either prepared by preserving it or by frying it, or it is fried in refined oil, and refined oil is very harmful for our heart health.
After all these things, you should concentrate on your health as much as possible, stay happy, consume fruits, eat vegetables, avoid junk food, do yoga exercise.
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