A female cat has more rights in Afghanistan than woman Meryl Streep, a Hollywood actor said at the United Nations Monday to increase pressure on the world’s leaders about the issues of Afghan women and girls. That how this society is undone, is a message for the rest of the world, Streep said at an event on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in a bid to active women in the Afghanistan of the future.
Taliban emerged as rulers on August 2021 when American and their allies pulled out from the country after the long战 lasting two decades. The United Nations has tried to achieve some international and collective system of confronting the Taliban that have confined women in their homes.
By the Taliban, most girls have been denied access to high school and women access to universities. The group has shut down beauty parlours and restricted women from going out alone or in the company of other women.
Currently in Kabul, a female cat enjoys more freedom than a woman. A cat may go sit on her front stoop and feel the sun on her face A woman may watch her child go sit on his front stoop and feel the sun on his face. She may run after a squirrel into the park, he said. This is why a squirrel has more rights than a girl in Afghanistan today; the public parks have been closed to women and girls,” Streep said.
While a bird may sing in kabul a girl may not and a woman may not in public. This is extraordinary,” she said.
The Taliban claimed they will implement rights by observing Islamic law in Afghanistan. The group has officially formalized a string of guidelines on morality in the last month which are licensed from a decree of the Taliban’s supreme religious leader in 2022 alongside with morality ministry.
“Without educated women, without women in employment, including in leadership positions, and without acknowledging the rights and liberties of half of a country’s population, Afghanistan will never be able get its proper place in the international community,”, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the event.
Streep said that she stands with her “sisters in Afghanistan” and everyone else who had to flee their home. She calls upon the world community (especially those that still carry out business with Afghanistan) to come for their rescue.The current administration has effectively “incarcerated half their population,” Streep said.oup formally codified a long set of rules governing morality last month that were based on a decree by the Taliban’s supreme spiritual leader in 2022 and will be enforced by the morality ministry.
“Without educated women, without women in employment, including in leadership roles, and without recognizing the rights and freedoms of one-half of its population, Afghanistan will never take its rightful place on the global stage,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the event.
Streep expressed solidarity with her “sisters in Afghanistan” and all of those who had to leave their country. She encourages the world community (especially those who continue to do business with Afghanistan) to intervene on their behalf. The current administration has effectively “incarcerated half their population,” Streep said. “I think if the international community got together, people could probably do something about it in Afghanistan, and arrest this slow strangulation which is half the population of the prisoners,” Streep added. Streep also screened a 30-minute version of a documentary titled A nd The Sharp Edge Of Peace’, which shows four Afghan women leaders who met with Taliban representatives for peace talks in Doha with the Taliban in 2020. ‘They inspire us and they give us instructions that the twisted apocalyptic focus on the future can overthrow a civilisation from within’, – Oprah said. The screening was succeeded by a live panel discussion featuring women who were involved in the intra-Afghan talks in 2020 and those working on the ground in Afghanistan now.
- https://www.deccanherald.com/world/actor-meryl-streep-shows-solidarity-at-un-with-afghan-women-girls-3204382
- https://www.ndtvprofit.com/world/mery-streep-speaks-on-afghanistan-at-united-nations-with-antnio-guterres
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/english/hollywood/news/meryl-streep-shows-solidarity-with-afghan-women-a-female-cat-has-more-freedoms-than-a-woman/articleshow/113627539.cms
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