Period is a very important part of every girl’s life . Having a mensuration once a month is normal and even necessary, but if this process starts at an early age then it becomes a matter of concern.
According to science, it is believed that periods starts at age of 14 to 15 years , but today girls start getting their first mensuration at the age of 9 – 10 year, which can cause problems for their health in future.
Let’s get some information about periods-
It is said that period is an important part of every girl’s life. In the language of science the period is called menstruation.
Which starts at the age of 14 to 15 years and end till the age of 50 . The beginning of mensuration is called Menarche, which starts at puberty. Otherside end of mensuration is called Menopause, which end at age of 50 years. A healthy period creates a healthy life for women.
What should women’s do to have a healthy period?

To have a healthy period you can :
- Having a healthy diet
- Exercise regularly
- Reduce stress
- Take enough sleep
- Take supplements
- Maintain good Mensuration hygiene
Let’s know briefly about all these-
1.Having a healthy diet —
Take vitamins, proteins, minerals and iron enriched food like meat , legume, spinach, pulses etc .
Avoid saturated fat as well refined flour.
2. Exercise regularly —
Doing light exercise during this period help with bloating and increases blood flow.
3. Reduce stress —
Stress can affect your period.
So stress less, enjoy the best.
4. Take enough sleep —
Get 8 hours of sleep .
5. Take supplements —
Vitamin B1 and B6 may help with cramps and mood swings. Also Fulfill your body needs at menstruation time.
6. Maintain good Menstruation hygiene —
Use breathable cotton underwear, change menstrual product regularly.
What are the problems due to which girls are getting their periods early today?
Chemicals used in Household item are the reason –
Much research has been done to find out why soon , a new research revealed that the chemicals used in products used in the kitchen are the reason behind this. The chemicals that girls come in contact with since childhood become the reason for their early period.
Dangerous chemicals used in detergent and soaps –
According to a study it was found that the chemicals use for fragrance in detergent and soaps are also included in it.
According to scientists, a drug name Cholinergic Agonist which contains hormone dispersing compound is also
a reason to get periods early. This chemical causes long term damage to the hormone system of girls.
Research done on 1000 of products-
According to researchers of US national health institute they have done research on 1000 products and found a chemical which has been discovered in a very short period of time.
A compound name ‘Musc Embrete’
Has been found which can stimulate the receptors present in the brain through which hormones exert their action.
Researchers have pointed some major problems with this compound. The biggest problem is that this compound is used more in personal care items .
The scientist said that parents to be careful and asked whether they gave personal care items to their daughter check whether they are approved by goverment or not.
Reason of early period –

According to scientists, there is not just a single reason for early period in girls , about which it’s important to know.
Obesity is a major problem among all children nowadays which is seen mostly in girls since childhood. One of the main reason of obesity is excessive consumption of fast food and a relaxed life style.
It seem that due to increasing obesity lead to have early period or they don’t come even after right time..
Along with this , stress also increase bit.
In early age girls have started taking stress which is sometimes causing harm to their overall health.
When a girl is under to much stress, a hormone called cortisol and androgen is released in her body also known as steroidal hormones. This hormone is used by fatty tissue in the form of androgen which enhances the breast size. Sudden change in androgen hormone give signal to the body to start period.
There are also some other reason like the increasing pollution in the environment and also the cosmetic products used by them.
Way to avoid this problem –
According to doctors, mother and father should give their daughter a diet in rich in fruits and vegetables. Parents as much as possible keep your children away from fast food.
If we do this then we will be free from this problem and there will be no concern of health after period .
Along with this, if daily exercise and adequate sleep is taken then the risk of early puberty is avoided.
The doctor has also said that parents should give correct information about periods to their childrens so that they are prepared in advance.
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