A policewoman named Gislayne Silva de Deus from Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil who was 35 years old has succeeded to take vengeance of her father’s murderer. It took 9 year old Ms Deus more than 21 years of her childhood and youth to seek justice. The family went to an agonizing search for the person responsible, and now as a police officer, she arrested her father’s killer. Phil, as named by Metro, is identified as Giraldo Jose Vicente de Deus; the said policeman had been shot dead in February 1999 in a over a 20-pound gambling debt.
The incident occurred at a nearby bar when, Mr Deus, a supermarket owner was at the side playing a billiard with a buddy. By the bar, one of the Deus’ suppliers, Raimundo Alves Gomes who was also a murderer per the court trial, asked for his dues to be paid. When Deus offered to settle for a freezer, Gomes declined and this made the two have a spar. The New reports even stated that Gomes left the bar, then went back home to come back with a gun and shot Mr Deus in the head.
Gomes was arrested, prosecuted and convicted in 2013 and given twelve years imprisonment. Nevertheless, he did not go to prison when seeking a new decision on the verdict. After his last appeal was turned down in 2016, an arrest warrant was launched, but the suspect was able to flee and disappeared.
As for Gomes, this woman decided to become a lawyer since she was eighteen years old and eventually became the police officer. She took different posts as pointed out drived by her determination to see the man who killed her father apprehended. Then she was transferred to the General Homicide Division and she never stopped searching for Alves Gomes that was arrested while he was hiding at a farm in Nova Cidade region near Boa Vista. He was arrested only on September 25th.
That time the cop confessed to dreaming of contemplating the day her father would get killed, serving his time in prison. In an interview with the local media she said: “Once in prison I was a [police officer] I always imagined [the killer] arriving there to serve his sentence.”
Twenty-five years later she got a chance to come face to face with Alves Gomes, a sixty-year-old-man from Brazil who brutally murdered her. I have been instrumental in putting you here. Now it’s time for you to pay,’’ she said to him.
It was an overwhelming feeling, I broke into tears when I saw the man who killed my Dad was arrested, This has been long overdue and I never thought It will get here, soon. My father was also a moral principle man with satisfactory work performance in his operating organization. He liked us to learn and used to understand our homework and time tables. He was a very friendly and caring father for us all the time. We all had really tough years after him, especially my sisters and I. As to what happened the other day anything could have turned us in the other direction, but as our mother always said we should do the right thing.
In a grim ending Alves Gomes’s murderer was convicted and a judge on the 26 of September, 2024 found the murderer and sent him to prison where he stayed for 12 years.
This is the only family I have except you and because of me you are here. “Now it is time to pay you,” she says to him in the video.
She also said she couldn’t hold back tears when the man who killed her dad was handcuffed ‘I just felt an explosion of feeling like I didn’t think I would see this day ever’ the woman said to local media.
“He was a very simple man; my dad was honest and worked so hard for our welfare. He was always pressing us on learning and even used to sit with us to do homework and times tables. He was always very friendly and concerned with us. Life became really hard for my sisters and I after he passed on, especially since all the issues he was treating us for were gone. That could have easily steered us to this path, but as our mother has always said one must always choose the right path,” she said.