In today’s fast-paced life, stress has become a common thing. When a person takes too much a hormone called cortisol is released in his body, which is also called stress hormone.
Other hormones of the body also become unbalanced. When a person takes too much stress, it causes harm to his body both mentally and physically.
it has a direct impact on the brain.
Due to which a person’s memory also starts getting weak, he starts forgetting everyday things, sometimes the level of stress is so high that people’s memory also starts getting weak.
Memory loss and other memory-related problems, such as an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s, appear to occur in people suffering from chronic stress after depression.Therefore stress management is very important.
Stress has a very bad effect on memory.
After excessive stress, the body starts releasing cortisol and other chemicals in large quantities. Chronically high levels of cortisol can damage the hippocampus function. Due to which a person’s memory starts weakening.
Stress causes difficulty in concentrating, learning new things or remembering anything. Because of this the person starts forgetting things. Let us tell you some tips and ways by which you can boost memory.
Tips for memory boosting-
Well, there are many ways in which you can boost your memory but here we will tell you some such ways which you can do to reduce your stress and get success in memory boosting.
1.Keep your body active
The more you engage your body in an activity, the more it will help in boosting your memory. Physical activity helps in a very good way in boosting memory.
According to psychologists, doing aerobic exercise improves the health of people suffering from stress. People suffering from stress should do morning walk,exercise and yoga as much as possible.
Deep breathing helps reduce anxiety and stress. When we take deep breaths, more and more oxygen reaches our brain, which makes the brain feel relaxed. Therefore, whenever you feel stressed or anxious, you will do deep breathing exercise, it can help you to relax immediately.
3. Sleep well
Sleep is something which is necessary for our body for about 7 to 8 hours. A person should take full sleep of 7 to 8 hours every day, if he does not do this then sooner or later his body will show its adverse effects and he may feel inactive or at first he may suffer from some disease.
Sleep is a panacea for strengthening memory and reducing stress. Therefore, a person must take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day.
4. Dark chocolate
Research has shown that dark chocolate helps in reducing stress. Coco flavonoids found in dark chocolate improve brain functioning. Also dark chocolate is also known as mood boosting food. If a person consumes dark chocolate in a stressful situation, he gets relief from his condition. It is extremely beneficial for both memory and stress.
Brain boosting foods-
Let us tell you some food items that you can use which will help you in boosting your memory.
1. Oily fish
Omega 3 fatty acids are found in oily fish which is known to improve short term memory and long term memory. You can include it in your diet and improve your stress and memory.
2. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seed is considered a very good source of nutritious foods, it is also called the treasure of nutritious foods. Magnesium, Copper and zinc is found in abundance in it which is a very important element to boost memory. All these elements help a lot in increasing concentration and memory power.
3. Berries
Antioxidants and plant chemicals are found in berries which help in reducing stress and increasing memory power.
4. Coffee
An element called caffeine is found in coffee, which is a very important element for instantly activating the brain. The caffeine found in coffee blocks the adenosine receptors and hinders the availability of dopamine, which activates the human brain immediately.
At the same time, keep one thing in mind that too much of anything is not good.
Now do not consume too much coffee, excessive consumption of coffee is also harmful. And if you are a patient of high blood pressure then you can use another tips instead of coffee to boost your memory power.
5. Stay hydrated
You all know that our entire body requires at least 70% water. Water is such a thing which is needed not only by our entire body organs but also by a single cell of our entire body organs.
Not only for memory boosting but you should also drink more and more water and always keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water because your brain requires at least 75% of the water you drink.
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