It is possible to find vast lists of recommendations on how to enhance gut health without any drug interventions on the internet. For instance; through use of antibiotic prescriptions, consumers of foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut, and consumption of prebiotic fiber.
Gut health basically means a healthy microbiota, which is a population of microorganisms that reside in our digestion system. It is now understood that an imbalanced microbiota linked to the gut plays a critical role in one’s physical well-being, mental health, and immune system, and so much more.
These bacteria, yeasts and viruses — of which the human body contains trillions — are also known as the gut microbiome of gut flora.
Most of the microbes are helpful in the body and a number of them are compulsory. Others are a nuisance especially when they reproduce.
In this article, we present ten evidence-based strategies for optimizing gut bacteria composition and promoting general well-being.
1. To maintain good gut health, one should also consume probiotics and foods that are rich in probiotics such as fermented foods.
In a bid to increase the levels of the beneficial bacteria known as the probiotics in the gut, some people go for probiotic supplements.
These are available in the natural food stores, pharmacy stores, and orders on the internet.
According to some studies, the use of probiotics is useful to improve gut health. It is useful to avoid inflammation of the gut and other stomach related complications.
Probiotics can also be obtained through taking foods that have undergone the process of fermentation.
Consuming the following foods regularly may improve gut health:
fermented vegetables
2. Eat prebiotic fiber
Probiotics organisms use soluble dietary fibers referred to as prebiotics. This process assists in the multiplication of the number of useful bacteria in the gut area.
A study done in 2017 suggested that because of the presence of prebiotics, other certain micro-environmental factors such as pH and temperature may be withstood by the probiotics.
People who want to enhance their gut health may wish to include more of the following prebiotic-rich foods in their diet:
Jerusalem artichoke
whole grains
3. Reduce the quantity and frequency of sugar and sweeteners intake
Consuming high amounts of sugars and other artificial sweeteners lead to dysbiosis of the gut bacteria.
The authors of a 2015 study in animals only underlined the fact that the high-sugar and high-fat diet characteristic for western countries has a detrimental effect on the gut microbiome. From this it could be possible to alter the brain and the behavior.
Another animal study Trusted Source also showed a negative effect of the artificial sweetener aspartame in that it was found to enhance the growth of some bacterial strains associated with metabolic disease.
One common definition of metabolic disease is a collection of disorders which predispose one to develop diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Self’s research has also shown that the artificial sweeteners consumed by humans can harmfully affect blood glucose because of their impact on the gastrointestinal bacteria. This is an indication that artificial sweeteners may raise blood sugar using the notion it is not a sugar.

4. Reduce stress
Lack of sleep is not good for the gut.
Stress management and heart health are very crucial in the management of the body, including the gut.
Animal studies have proposed that psychological stresses as mainly caused by short term stress can affect the balance of microbes in the intestine.
In humans, a variety of stressors can negatively affect gut health, including:
psychological stress
physical conditions like heat, cold, Noise, etc. Environmental stressors are those factors in the work environment that can physically harm the workers.
sleep deprivation
Alterations in the sleep wake cycle
The tips used to help individuals manage stress are meditation, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.
Stress can also be minimized through exercising, good sleep and proper nutrition since they are some of the essential habits that people ignore in their daily lifestyles.

5. Avoid taking antibiotics unnecessarily
Even though it is at times required to use antibiotics with a view of eliminating bacterial infections, the use of antibiotics excessively is a growing public health issue that may result in antibiotic resistance.
Antibiotics are also destructive to the gut and the immune system; there are studies which have indicated that the gut is stripped of several beneficial bacteria species even half a year after the use of antibiotics.
6. Exercise regularly
It promotes good heart health and helps in weight loss or even weight gain depending on how you manage to create your regimen. It has also been found out that it might also enhance digestion thereby aiding in controlling of obesity.
Waiting on the theory that, exercise might help improve species richness. A paper published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine stated that athletes had a greater number of the types of gut flora than did non-athletes and this was determined in 2014.
However, the diet that was fed to the athletes was different from that of the control group hence contributing to the variations in the subjects’ microbiome.
American Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that adult should do at least moderate intensity activity for 150 minutes in a week and muscle strengthening activities on two or more days a week.

7. Get enough sleep
Acquiring a sufficient amount of sound quality sleep can raise mood, cognition, and gut function.
A rat study conducted in the year 2014 showed that shift working and sleep disruption can yield a poor impact on the diversity of the gut microbiota, which in turn poses threat to inflammation diseases.
Regularity helps foster healthful sleep and one should go to bed at night and wake up at the same time. The recommended hours of sleep that adults should sleep is at least 7 hours of sleep at night.

8. Use different cleaning products
Similarly, the same research found that disinfectant cleaning products can also affect the same gut microbiota as does antibiotics. Essential to the 2018 research, it sought to investigate the microbial composition of more than 700 infants at 3–4 months old’s gut.
The researchers noted that, people living in homes where people used disinfectant cleaning products at least weekly had double the odds of increased Lachnospiraceae gut microbes, a type that is linked to type 2 diabetes and obesity.
High exposure to these disinfectants as was the case for these infants at age 3 had a BMI that was higher than that of children who had no exposure to such high levels of disinfectants.

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